Ripping Off the Band-Aid: Our Plunge into a New Bidding Platform

Five weeks ago, we took a leap into the world of our new bidding platform, and what a whirlwind it's been. After our first real estate auction on the new system, I made a pivotal decision: to rip off the band-aid and transition all upcoming auctions to the platform. It was bold, it was abrupt, and yes, it led to some turbulence.

This all-in approach has presented challenges we hadn't fully anticipated. The learning curve has been steep, and we've had our share of hiccups along the way. But it's also accelerated our progress, especially over the last three weeks.

We're immensely grateful to our clients and customers for bearing with us through this bumpy transition. Your patience, feedback, and adaptability have been crucial in helping us navigate these changes and improve our service.

A special thanks goes to BidWrangler, our platform host, for their unwavering support as we've grappled with this rapid change.

Despite the initial turbulence, we're making significant strides. Today, we even initiated another test auction to explore new functions – a testament to how far we've come.

We're committed to continual improvement and appreciate your partnership as we refine our processes. Thank you for sticking with us through this abrupt but necessary transition. We're confident that this "band-aid" approach will ultimately lead to more efficient and effective auctions for everyone involved.



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